High Quality Accessible Phonics for pupils with moderate to severe and complex SEND of any age in any school or setting.
About the Phonics for SEN Programme
Phonics for SEN is a complete, systematic, synthetic, linguistic phonics programme published in seven books.
Phonics for SEN enables pupils with a range of special educational needs to find reading and spelling success and is suitable for those with specific learning difficulties, autism, moderate and severe learning difficulties, developmental language disorder, communication needs and complex needs, including pre- and nonverbal pupils and those with significant physical disability.
Working through the programme, the pupil:
learns about and understands the concepts that underpin how the written English language is constructed,
learns, practices and masters the skills they need to work with sounds and letters, and
develops the knowledge they need to learn, build up and retain to be able to read and spell well.
Phonics for SEN & Pathway to Phonics
The Phonics for SEN and Pathway to Phonics programmes provide literacy opportunities for all pupils.